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1 be out of battery 没电了

When I was about to take out my phone to hail a taxi, I found that it had been out of battery. 当我拿出手机准备叫辆出租车时,发现它没电了。

2 rummage the power bank in my bag 在包里仔细翻找充电宝

Then I rummaged the power bank in my bag to charge the mobile phone. 然后我在包里仔细翻找充电宝来充电。

3 shared charger 共享充电宝

I shuffled towards some shops to see whether there were any shared chargers, panting from the effort of dragging my trunk. 我拖着走向商店看看有没有共享充电宝,拖着箱子累得气喘吁吁。

4 get a glimpse of sth. 瞥见

I got a gilmpse of a boy with a shared charger in his hand. 我瞥见一个男生手里拿着充电宝。

5 approach cautiously 小心翼翼地靠上前来

So I approached cautiously and asked him whether he would lend it to me. 我小心翼翼地靠近他问他能否把充电宝借我用一下。





文档下载: W 导出为大众宝来phone键在哪里(宝来的按键是什么功能).doc文档


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